“Anna Baba and the 40 Thieves” issa folk tale added to the “One Thousand and

One Nights” in the summer of 2021 as a result of the exploding new/old fascisms in Germany. 

After a legacy of centuries of constructing racial difference and inventing racial groups, the last decade of German politics playing “good cop, bad cop” further normalised and mainstreamed

racial categories anew. 

To this day responsibility

for the far right networks in police

are bluntly ignored, mainstream politics and

media disregard the constantly recurring hate attacks on migrants. 

This racial discrimination found one of it's peaks, when the Lebanese Restaurant “Al Andalus” in Anna Babas neighbourhood got burnt down and a 

Berlin newspaper titled this horrific incident

“Flambeed Kebab”.

We assume that our social and political

destinies are shaped by the 

will of the people

without realising that “the people” 

are always

produced by the media: we are all embedded

in mediated publics, structured by the apparatuses of communication that govern our interactions. “The forty thieves” 

are wearing suits

with tag words German MAINSTREAM media

uses to describe the people white supremacy currently loves to

use to weaponize fear;



"Südländer" ist ein Projekt von Anna Baba und den vierzig Räubern. Unsicher ist, ob es sich dabei um eine Performance, eine Ausstellung, eine Byrek-Bude oder einen Raubüberfall handelt. Sicher ist, dass Südländer Steine in den Turnschuhen und Kokoswachs in den Haaren tragen. Am 16. Oktober eröffnet das neue Shisha-Kaffee am Ebertplatz. Kommt vorbei für eine Razzia, neue Installationen der Künstlerin, Chayas Kochtipps und Videoarbeiten. Für eine gemeinsame Huldigung des Abendlandes - ein Sesam, der sich zugleich öffnet und abschafft.

* there is no analogy to the Black experience

the “flambeed kebab” video work does not try to compare varying racisms with different historical trajectories, 

However it  depicts a reality in which  there are different racisms

that are linked by a

historically constructed threat

of “countrymen from the south”


To fuck your women



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