360° video work,
sculptures and
play cards
Tupamaras Technophallus – Anna Ehrenstein
TT is a multidisciplinary work cycle searching to synthesise a new onto- epistomelogical relationship with science and technology iconography through gifting it with a global south, queerfeminist kink. It consists of a 360° Video assemblage with the Bogota based vogueing and performance collective “House of Tupamaras” and sculptural works of extended photography. The surrealist documentary video work is set around an abandoned airplane in Colombia and reflects socio-political issues through dance and conversation including embodied knowledge, war in disguise, gender fluidity, future dangers of data gaps or the role of “emerging” artists in “emerging” contexts.
Seemingly objective relations between human and tool have been influenced by historical dominant power taxonomies through, amongst others, (neo)-fascism and the canonical liaison of technology to male generative power. In sculptural and virtual installations “Tupamaras Technophallus” is flirting with knowledge dialogues between technoscience, derivate knowledge construction and slutty materiality.
House of Tupamaras is:
Laika Tamara IIIII Ladyhunter IIIII COBRATAMARA IIIIIIII jona tamara
360° Video Work 17;25 minutes
Music : DJ Nasty King Kurl
Production: Will Fredo Paz Furtado
Costume: Virginia Francia
Translation: Silvia Tovar
Sound: Vangjush Vellahu